Monday, October 20, 2008

On Reading.

The words I never knew:

a·nath·e·ma·tize [uh-nath-uh-muh-tahyz] -tized, -tiz·ing.
–verb (used with object) pronounce an anathema against; denounce; curse.
–verb (used without object) pronounce anathemas; curse.

cu·pid·i·ty [kyoo-pid-i-tee]
eager or excessive desire, esp. to possess something; greed; avarice.

con·cu·pis·cence [kon-kyoo-pi-suhns, kong-]
1.sexual desire; lust.
2.ardent, usually sensuous, longing.

Thanks Augustine, I'll try and incorporate these into my growing vocabulary. Or maybe not.


Peg said...

Ah yes, the challenges of graduate-level reading! Words are fun though - it is when they are strung together in incomprehensible drivel that it gets frustrating. I trust that Augustine isn't driveling?

Becca said...

I suppose not. But it doesn't help that he doesn't make it easy to understand ... and shouldn't that really be the point of the theologian? To make it understandable? Or I suppose that's the job of the pastor ... goody for me ...