And I think the most frustrating relationships I have in my life are the ones in which the other party doesn't quite know who they are.
That's a stark judgment, but one that comes from hours of thought and consideration. If you're trying to be someone else by mimicking their language (either verbal or body), make a name for yourself in one way or another that doesn't seem to have congruence with the passions of your heart, if your trajectory in life seems to veer in different directions year-in and year-out, I think you might need to take some time to actually find out who you are.
My Pastor as Person course has me engulfed in counseling books, and all resonate with the idea of knowing yourself. Being able to listen to what drives you, motivates you, makes you react the way you do. Which is really fascinating once you consider all the parts of your life that have made you who you are.
My bottom line with this post is really the bottom line of Runaway Bride, however cheesy and ridiculous that may sound. But the premise of that movie (don't read if you haven't seen it, or do if you don't care) is that Julia Roberts' character doesn't know herself well enough, and has never been encouraged to know herself well enough in relationships to commit to marriage. Which, actually is a blessing that she never actually did get married to any of those men because she was the ultimate case of the people pleaser. Anyway, I can't tell you how many times I think back to that movie with deep consideration and appreciation for the question 'how do you like your eggs?'
All that being said, I think I know myself pretty well. But let's not kid ourselves, I'll continue to learn more about myself everyday, especially because my days involve other people, and you always learn in relationship. So do yourself and everyone else who has to encounter you a favor - take some 'me' time today and remember who you are ... oh, more great words from movie greats. Thanks Mufasa.