I have not the energy to type all the things that are swimming around in my head. So, for brevity's sake, here are some of my nuggets of wisdom and amusement.
1. There are two kinds of people in this world. One says, 'the trash needs to be taken out', and the other takes out the trash.
2. Today I stooped low to the carpet for a good minute or two pondering whether the brown fragments on the floor of our hallway were coffee beans or rat poop, whether I should touch it or smell it. I used my shoe. Praise the Lord, they were coffee beans.
3. I think risk (not the game but the action) is underrated. We often associate it with life or death situations, but what if it just means asking good questions. Sitting across from a professor at lunch. Committing to something new. You never know until you try, and I'd like to see some more risk around here (and perhaps that last statement refers to both the game and the action).
4. What is the evolutionary excuse for Zebras and Giraffes? Those are creative miracles.
5. Never underestimate the wisdom of C.S. Lewis. In the end, he will get you.
6. For verbal processors, why can't paper options come in the form of an oral examination and conversation?
7. I wish riding horses wasn't such an uncomfortable experience. I put it in the category of corndogs, because corndogs always smell better to me than they taste. At a distance, it always seems like a good idea.
8. Why does leadership so often get misconstrued to mean charismatic persona? It's akin to the idea that the 'popular kids' are popular. Popular kids aren't popular, they're the ones that everyone knows and dislikes. A leader isn't someone who's up front suavely shaking hands and name dropping, true leaders are the ones in the system getting their hands dirty, and empowering the people around them. Let's be better leaders - mutual submission and relational encouragement. Come on church, be church!!
9. Let's stop playing games. If the only card you'll put forward is the 'you don't understand me' card, then we will not get anywhere. I need you to dig deep, and match what I am putting forward, my 'help me understand you better' card.
10. Acts 20:13-38
And lastly,