Monday, May 26, 2008

Europe - Here We Go!


I've ended my internship, and thought new beginnings also mean new blogs ... well this one has been around a while, but I only had it for the picture. So here we go, this summer trip to Europe with Bianca and Hillary will be here, as well as my beginnings at Princeton.

Seattle to Amsterdam!
Traveled to Amsterdam - probably experienced the worst jet-lag of my life. It took me about 2 days to get back to normal, but here we are! ready to go! I think the hardest thing right now is giving in to the high prices of things ... It's so disgusting, they're like the same prices as they would be in America, only in Euros which means it's ACTUALLY about double the price ... blech ... Hillary is probably a little weary of me not wanting to eat lunch, but hey you've gotta do what you've gotta do!! We had our fill of Amsterdam and all of it's 'coffee shops' and headed out to Haarlem only about 20min by train away. SO fantastic - less people, more canals, pretty streets and good coffee. Also where Corrie Ten Boom lived, which just happened to be closed ... but we made sure to see the Anne Frank Huis back in Amsterdam. I recommend a trip to Haarlem as a wonderful escape from Amsterdam's bustling streets.

We arrived this afternoon and only got a little lost - I must learn not to wear many layers on traveling days, although Hillary makes a good point that if I don't wear it then I have to pack it ... In any case I was REALLY hot. And it's pretty warm and humid here! And funny story, on the way here I ran into my friend Sharon (from High School) at the train station, and we ended up traveling with her and her friend from Amsterdam to Brussels! How strange and small this world always seems to be. Well, there is much wandering and getting lost for us to do here, and we intend on bringing Bianca into all the fun come tomorrow afternoon when she arrives. I have to admit there is a certain thrill in having to figure out trains, buses, trams, etc. in a new place. And once you've done it it's like you've conquered a mountain. Only there isn't that whole issue of having to climb back down again, which might actually make the experience even better. Did I just equate mountain climbing to figuring out public transit? And claim the latter to be more exciting? Hmmm ...

Until next time ...

1 comment:

I am Kate Maxwell said...

yay!! i heart becca posts!