Tuesday, January 06, 2009

As Time Goes By ... this is not your mother's british sitcom.

Nearly a month. And New Years passed. Weeks of leaving you in anticipation of what I'm up to (yeah right) + New Years MUST = countdown.

10. Christmas needs a caroling.

9. One of the times I tried to take the bus. As most of you know (like I really know who 'you' are) that Seattle has difficulty operating when it snows. The whole city suffers from this. But this day was just a little cold, and a little icy. So what gives? My bus was late. I had places to be. So I drove. But I still miss my old bus stop, almost as much as my bus missed me ... which was by about 10-15min. In any case, it wasn't as bad as the second time I waited, in a good deal of snow, for a shuttle that only appears once an however-long-it-takes-to-loop-the-neighborhood. Rescheduled THAT coffee date.

8. The San Diego Zoo has been an obsession, dream, and hope in the past 15 years of my life. This winter, that dream became a reality. And this is proof - a baby panda sleeping in a tree. It wasn't exactly like the interactive CD-ROM I received from my uncle so many years ago, it was simply better.
7. Sisters. This picture speaks for itself.
6. DISNEYLAND. AT CHRISTMAS. Need I say more? Aside from the fact that Nathan looks hilarious in this photo? Was he unprepared for the fun he was about to have that day? Possibly. Bonus: Innoventions - High School Musical Karaoke. You're right, I did need to say more.
5. Family attack! Let's just say the last time I slept in this house was when I was ... 5? That's much too long. I love my Aunt and Uncle. If you ever get a chance, visit Madrona Marsh. And if you ever get chance, play stinky pinky. It's a riddle/word game, that apparently means a lot of harsher things when you google it, so better just ask me about it ...
4. Family ... again ... and they should really be at #1 but since this is more of a timeline than a countdown, and they've already got #5 and #7, I think you get the picture. But really, THIS picture explains my family.
3. When I come home, I often smell like coffee shops. I actually went straight from Javasti to Zoka one day. But I love meeting with people! They are so interesting, you should get to know some. Catching up is the best. I am so thankful for the questions asked, the feelings expressed, the laughs shared, and the way my heart feels full.
2. That's one way to say goodbye - how often does Mt. Rainier actually show up to wave goodbye? My Great Aunt and Great...Cousin (?) have visited a number of times, and I think it was only on visit #4 that it actually showed up and wasn't covered in clouds.
1. And we're back. Class? Presbyterian History and Theology. Actually much more interesting than that groan you just let out. But I am here with a new perspective - reminded of what life at home is like, in some ways a refresher of who I am and what gives me life. And here I am asking myself if I'm living like that here. I think overall I feel a lack of spiritual fervor. I don't want to judge, and it's literally impossible when talking about other people's spiritual lives, but sometimes I just feel like theres a lack of energy for the gospel, no real recognition of the wonderful gift we have been given, first in Christ, and then in the fact we get to study all that follows from Him! I just want to see that faith is real to people. Maybe I need to show people that my faith is real to me.

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