Thursday, July 02, 2009

So what the heck, you're welcome, glad to have you with us!

I will be the first to say I am a fan of the Music Man. No surprise there. How about Field of Dreams? Phenomenal. And how about Herbert Hoover? As of yet undecided. What do these all have in common? Iowa.

I just got back from a week-long mission trip to Iowa/Illinois doing disaster relief due to the extreme flooding that occurred there last summer. The trip was with the High School group in Westfield, 76 students in all, and it was phenomenal. We split up into teams of about 4 students per leader, and headed out to individual homes to start demolishing, repairing, and rebuilding the houses and lives of the people in Gulfport, IL. I love construction, because it makes you think (measure twice, cut once) and it is instant gratification (usually, unless you measure once and cut twice ...). For instance:

The completion of a wall! What are we capable of? Anything. We sided this whole house, and none of us have done siding before. Needless to say, we are a proud team. See awesome team below.
The house was for a man named Herman, who was the most interesting man from Germany I have ever met - one child of 13, outstanding sense of humor, and at least one brother who is able to yodel in German whilst wearing Lederhosen. Fantastic. I wish I had taken a picture!

But really, I loved the whole trip. It was emotionally difficult near the end though, as the current youth pastor is leaving after this summer, so it was her last mission trip with these kids. Rough, but beautiful to see a congregation so moved to tears at the thought of her departure. Sometimes it is very healthy to cry. On the other hand, I know that for my sister or me if we cry to much we get terrible terrible headaches ...

1 comment:

I am Kate Maxwell said...

why is it that in that picture the kids all look normal and you're showing off what muscles you have?