Saturday, July 02, 2011

Welcome to the Palouse!

To me, moving means these things:

1) Learning you have way more things than you need, and yet disposing of memorabilia is a painful and lengthy process.

2) Discovering allergies when you have not thought ahead to buy tissues.

3) A love for buying IKEA items, but a budget that keeps you from overdoing it. And the looming reality of #1.

4) Doing things by yourself - okay, maybe simply 'moving' does not mean this, but moving to new places - I went to Costco by myself today, and I was reminded how Costco is not exactly built for singular buyers... I may have overdone it on the kleenex purchase ...

5) Wondering why graduate school leaves you with so many books ... shouldn't they offer us bookshelves as a complementary part of our degree?!?

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Love it!
I totally know what you mean about #1.
I thought #4 was funny, and totally true! That's also the trouble about "buy one, get one" deals. The world's out to get single people!
But #5 is my favorite! I agree completely! That would be awesome! Luckily I found a bookshelf in the garage, but I still have to stack books on top of it, let alone all my notes... !