Sunday, October 12, 2008

Those moments.

Do you ever get those moments when you relate absurdly fictional characters to Biblical ones? I mean, let's just take a look at the anointing of Kind David. It's like Ender's Game in a way, how Ender is more or less pre-chosen whereas his sister and brother were rejected - and for good reason. But 'they' knew it by the time they were like, 6! And how many times in reading Harry Potter did I come to the conclusion that all he REALLY needed was Jesus ... but that's another story.

Do you ever have those moments when really all you want to do is add things to your Amazon shopping cart, not that you're actually going to spend that $80 on cd's, but those things seem like they'd just be such great items to purchase? Or you basically get infatuated with new music (well, new-to-you music) that you've found because 'listeners also bought' them and you actually somehow fit into that category because Amazon is totally getting it right ...

Do you ever have those afternoons, full of good intentions of studying, which turns into studying with friends, which turns into studying with friends at a nearby park, which turns into great discussions of the pressing topics of our generation within/out the church, and no studying actually gets done, but you feel like you just grew up a little, or have a greater vision for the future?

I guess today was all of those moments ...

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