Sunday, October 05, 2008

The sun and the rain and the appleseed ...

For being from a state that ships it's apples all over the country, I honestly can't remember a time I visited an apple orchard. Raspberries, sure. Strawberries, definitely. Apples? Maybe I just don't remember because apples aren't quite as delicious ('Red Delicious' should not be named delicious. Golden on the other hand I can understand). But orchards are great! 3rd Hodge (my dorm floor) traveled to Terhune Orchard for some apple picking! It was an attempt to bond, as well as to bond with 4th Hodge, from which about ... 2 people showed up. So 10 girls and 2 guys, hey - odds in their favor. The apples were delicious, and if you eat them in the orchard then you don't have to buy them ... I mean you've got to taste to make sure the product is good, am I right?

I also got to borrow my friends excellent Nikon SLR for the weekend, so we'll see what kind of photographer I'm turning out to be ... I think most of my talent was in photo shop ...

I'm also making more jewelry. This is mainly to raise money for my friend who moved to Bosnia this past week for a 2-year commitment with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), but really it's a guilty pleasure. If you see something you like, or know someone who might be interested, let me know. I'm thinking $10 a pop, (they come in pairs, unlike in the picture. I mean most people have two ears ... sorry Van Gogh ...) and any more would be generous donation to my friend Jessica and her mission in Bosnia. Here's a pic of what I've got so far!

1 comment:

Peg said...

Hey the pix are terrific! What I nice way to knock off for my evening. The fact that you just posted this and you are three hours ahead of me -- meaning that you probably STUDIED until 11 or so -- well I'm feeling a little sheepish about that.
Keep putting up the earrings - nothing caught my eye in this set, but I'm sure I'll see something :)